
2014 Annual Health Econometrics Workshop Sep 25 – 27, 2014

This event has past.

The purpose of this invitational workshop is to provide a forum to discuss the use of econometric and other quantitative methods to ad-dress issues in health economics and policy, health services research, and outcomes research.

We invite papers that develop new methods, assess existing methods, or highlight the use of non-proprietary software that address topical issues in health economics, health services and policy. Papers will be chosen for their originality, innovativeness, and rigor.

An hour will be devoted to each paper selected for discussion (approx 9-10). A discussant will present the paper, followed by the author’s rebuttal and open discussions.

Interested researchers should submit a full working paper by June 1, 2014, in PDF format. Online submissions can be made at

Submitted papers should be unpublished and not accepted for publication at a peer- reviewed journal. Those invited to participate in the workshop will be notified by July 1, 2014. Discussants for each paper will be selected with consent from the author.

Meals will be provided for all. Two nights at the conference hotel will be paid for all presenting authors and discussants. All other expenses, including transportation, are the participants’ responsibility.
