Three Papers Addressing Linkages between Socioeconomic Status and Health
Speaker: Nancy Reichman
Date: Friday, February 17th from 10 AM – 12 PM
Location: HS 100 (Health Sciences Building, 155 College Street, Toronto ON)
In this talk, Dr. Reichman will review three current projects involving linkages between socioeconomic status and health. These include infant health and adverse childhood experiences (ACEs); the effects of welfare reform in the US on adolescent health and social behaviours; and the links between socioeconomic disadvantage and health across the life-course.
Nancy E. Reichman is an economist with a broad portfolio of research focusing on linkages between socioeconomic status and health, including studies of determinants of infant and child health, effects of child health on family resources, socioeconomic disadvantage and health across the life-course, and health in an international comparative context.
She is Principal Investigator on a project funded by the Eunice Kennedy Shriver National Institute of Child Health and Human Development that is investigating the effects of welfare reform in the U.S., which dramatically reduced cash assistance to poor unmarried mothers and required them to work, on health and social behaviours of adult women (including crime, drug use, and civic participation) and their adolescent children (including substance use/abuse, delinquency and criminal behaviour, school and community activities, and healthy eating, exercise, and recommended sleep). In another current project, she is investigating effects of gestational age and obstetric interventions on neonatal morbidities and child development.
Dr. Reichman is currently a visiting professor at IHPME (July 2016 to June 2017). She previously taught at Rutgers University and Princeton University.